
Online Course: How to Become a Stock Photographer

Earn amazing income while you sit at home photographing things on your desk.
Hi. We are the Zamurovic brothers, one of the most famous stock photographers in the world and we made this course for you to become successful in this business, too.

Media about us:

Watch this video

In this video we explained what you’ll learn, how much can you earn in this business, and see how we made a photo of various leaves in front of our house. That photo alone has been sold 8000 times around the world.

What is stock photography?

Stock photography is a business in which you sell your photos on the Internet. People from all over the world use your photos – for their website, Instagram profile, billboards, and many other purposes – and they pay you for that.

A single sale brings in a small revenue of 50 cents or so, but when you collect 5-10 thousand downloads a month, this becomes a serious income.

This is exactly the kind of work we’ve been doing for the last 5 years. We live without stress, work when we want, and we still have a lot of free time to spend with our family and to travel around the World.

We believe that anyone can learn to do what we do and earn great revenues – no matter where they come from.

These ice-creams are made from a single photo of an ice-cream that we multiplied. It is actually an ice-cream shaped shower scrubber from a cheap Chinese store. The only real thing in this photo is Ivan.

That's why we've decided to create this online course, called:

How to Become a Stock Photographer

We bought this camera at a flea market for 50 cents, painted it white and put it on a white sheet. Then we used two lights with blue and pink color gels. 

Why learn from us?

Our portfolio on Shutterstock is one of the most famous stock portfolios in the World. Check out our profile on these sites:

These companies often invite us to share our experience and tips to help newbies, because we’re recognized as World leaders in the stock photography industry. Read these interviews here:


Zamurovic brothers punchy color palette and whimsical take on still-life photography have made them best sellers in their field.”

Zamurovic Brothers photography has long been a favorite here at Shutterstock. They specialize in “art photography.”

Serbian photography duo Ivan and Bojan Zamurovic have become regarded online for their inspiring style of product photography.”

Ivan and Bojan produce original and unconventional images highly relevant for marketers . The key factor in their work is producing images that sell.”

We submerged this leaf into an aquarium, and then injected orange acrylic paint into the water with a syringe. 

Here are some of the brands that used our photos in their advertising:

The best part of this job is when you accidentally come across your own work. We occasionaly stumble upon our photos at shopping centers in Vienna, Paris, New York, Barcelona … it happens all the time.

Our photos are used by various celebrities. Here’s what Britney Spears posted. We love you too, Britney! 💖

We bought this bunny in a Chinese store and broke his ears as a metaphore for Broken Christmas (because of the coronavirus).

But despite our success, there is another, more important reason why you should learn from us:

We have made every possible mistake that you can make in this business.

Seriously. When we started, a course like this didn’t exist, so we had to learn from our own mistakes.

You see, this job is not just about taking a good photo. It’s much more important to realize how to make your photo pop among the others.

Now that we know all of this, we’ve decided to make a course that we wish we had when we were starting.


Our students

Over 1000 people attended our course so far. Here’s what they said:

I am a pharmacist and a mom, and I've decided to try something more creative. I had no prior experience in photography, but the course is very detalied and they explained everything. Unlike other courses, here you will learn how to become creative - not just the technical details about photography.

This course is better than the best TV show (and trust me, I know what's a good TV show). They revealed all the secrets about getting inspiration and how to come up with those amazing ideas. The course is extremely detailed, they give amazing feedback. My living room is now a studio, but it's totally worth it!

My wife suggested I should check out this course, and I was instantly blown away. The Zamurovic brothers are exceptional, witty and creative, and they are very honest in their approach. They always answer all of our questions and give constructive feedback. Fun fact: I sold my first photo on the very first day. Thanks brothers!

I've been into photography for mahy years. And I've been shooting portraits, products, food, families, travel... I even tried to get into stock photography, but I didn't know what to shoot. Then I found out about the Zamurovic brothers and their course, and that was the missing piece I needed: How to find creative ideas and put them into practice.

Let’s answer the 

Top 3 questions you’d like to know

"How much money do I need to get started?"

This work does not require expensive equipment, although many people think otherwise.

When you see our photos, you might get an impression that they were taken in some expensive studio. But in fact, we made all of our photos in a small room, located in our hometown of Zrenjanin, Serbia (you can see that in the video above).

Almost all of our photos were taken with Canon 70D, a camera that you can get for $200 on eBay.

“Do I need talent?”

Short answer: No.

Long answer: Stock photography is not art – it’s primarily commercial. Anyone can learn it, and it doesn’t require any special talent. The idea and creativity are key ingredients that decide whether the photo will make a bunch of money or not.

You don’t need to be talented to have great ideas! We have developed a simple method for coming up with great ideas, and we will show you how you can do this, too.

“How much time should I invest?”

A great thing about this job is that you decide when and how much to work. The more you work, the better.

Sometimes we work all day long, and sometimes we don’t shoot for several days.

An hour a day is enough for start.

One day we shot these flowers. The next day they dried, the petals fell off, and we lined them up on the table to get the effect as if the wind had blown them away.

We shot each of these fruits separately, and then we made a tropical pattern in Photoshop. The idea was to make all the fruits the same size.


A good thing about stock photography are very stable earnings. This means that if you earned, let’s say $2000 this month, in the next month your earnings may be up or down by  10% – no huge drops in earnings are possible in this business.

For example, even if we completely stopped working and uploading photos, our passive monthly income from existing photos would still be the same as now.

And if you constantly create content and follow the trends (as we teach you in our course) – your income can only grow.

Photos can be posted to multiple stock image sites at once, so you can generate additional income without extra effort.

The most beautiful job

in the World!

A day in our life:

We made these videos for you to see how creative and interesting it is to be a stock photographer. Spend a day with us and fall in love with this job forever!

Here you can see how we made a photo out of leaves collected in front of our house. That photo has been sold 8000 times around the world.

We bought an old megaphone from the classifieds, colored it and added flowers from the nearby flower shop. Spolier alert: a brown surprise awaits you in the end! 💩

The course contains tons of video materials like these. We outlined every detail of the process, so that you can gradually learn from each step and develop skills of your own.

We WILL reveal all THE secrets

What you'll learn?

40+ hours of video material

The course is in Serbian with Russian and English subtitles. Our main goal is to teach you how to come up with the ideas and implement them. This is why a large part of this course is about the creative process itself – you will watch how we brainstorm the ideas for new photos and how we implement them – from collecting and buying materials, through photographing and editing, to submitting stock photos to websites.


In this section, you will learn how to come up with the idea and go through the entire creative process.

When people see our photos, they usually say: “Dude, I would never come up with that idea on my own!” But, when we teach you our step-by-step formula for creativity, you will realize it’s not a mystery, and that everyone can learn it.

We’ll show you where to seek inspiration, how to create something new and original, and how to recognize the visual trends that get the best sales.

We bought these peppers at a nearby market, then dipped them in paint from a home repair store and shot them while the paint was still dripping.


We all know that a good plan is half the work done. The same applies to photography.

Anything you come up with can be accomplished using items and props from regular shops in your own city, or even free stuff. We will show you which props we use, and where to find them.


After we introduce you to the camera settings, we will teach you the essential principles of photography. We will show you how to utilise the light in order to produce trendy, cutting-edge images.

You’ll learn the rules of composition, what’s pleasing to the human eye, how to arrange elements, match colors, backgrounds and much more.



Here you’ll see how we edit our photos, which apps we use, how we perform color correction and remove imperfections in photos.

We will show you all the latest tips and tricks – things that took us years to learn.



Attaching keywords and writing the title of your photo is the final step in the process, but no less important.

This may decide whether your photo will be purchased 10,000 or 10 times. We’ll show you how to select the right keywords that sell the most.

When you sign up for our course, we will add you to the private

Facebook group for questions & support.

This group is for course participants only and you will be able to ask questions, showcase your photos, receive constructive criticism and advice from us personally.

We know every beginning is difficult, so we want to support you while you master all of our methods and techniques.

We will answer all your questions even while sitting on the toilet!

This dripping paint is tempera on pink paper. We were inspired by the packaging design of Kylie Cosmetics.

If you find this interesting,

Sign up here

The price of the course is $299 if you pay at once,
 or 3 monthly payments of 110$.

After you submit the form, you will instantly receive everything you need to start the course and join the Facebook group.

100% bullshit free warranty:

If this course is bullshit, you get your money back.


We are 100% confident that we’ve made the amazing course that will change your life. That’s why we promise to refund your money if you think that the course did not meet your expectations.

Just send us a message to cancel the course in the first 30 days, and we will refund your money.

Frequently Asked Questions

that we received from our students

Is this course just for beginners or for experienced photographers?

This course is intented for both, and here’s why: In the beginning we will teach you the general concepts of photography: using a camera, light, composition… so any beginner, even without prior knowledge, can go through the entire course and start earning. However, the main and most valuable part of this course is consisted of lessons where we teach you how to master stock photography in a way that made us world-famous in this business. That means we’ll show you how to brainstorm ideas in the way we do, how to study trends and create content that sells like crazy on stock image sites.

How long does the course last and how much does it cost?

Access to the entire course lasts 6 months, during which you will have access to all video lessons, as well as to the closed group on Facebook, with our support, answers to questions and feedback on your photos.

The cost of the course is $299 if you pay at once or 3 monthly payments of $110.

I would like to create photos of my products in “your style”, how useful will this course be to me?

Great question! This course is also perfect for anyone who wants to make their photos look like the ones from famous global brands! Once you’ve mastered our techniques, you’ll know how to create photos like the most popular ones on Pinterest!

What language is this course in?

The entire course is available in three languages:  English, Russian and Serbian. The original audio is in Serbian, and subtitles are accesible in all three languages.

What kind of equipment is needed for this course?

It is not necessary to have any equipment to follow the course. With each lesson, you will get our raw photos so you can practice while you watch. Of course, it is better to have the equipment right away.

We came to the conclusion that the minimum investment required to start this business (if you want new equipment) is around 600$.

It’s OK if you have more money to invest in equipment. More expensive tools can make your job easier in the sense that you will be able to get the desired results faster.

Anyways, we have built our style in a way that you will not notice any difference in photo quality – even with the cheapest equipment.


I am already a stock photographer, how helpful will this course be for me?

Many of our students are stock photographers who are not happy with their sales and want to improve their work. That is exactly why we’re here, because our portfolio of stock photos is amazingly popular and makes 12 times more than an average stock portfolio with the same number of photos.

We will share all of our secrets, so that you can achieve the same. We’ll walk you through our entire process, from finding inspiration and art direction, through purchasing props, photographing, editing, to choosing keywords and uploading to stock sites.

What does this online course look like?

After payment, you will receive the necessary data to access our platform with video lessons. We will add new lessons every week. You can watch them whenever is convenient, and you will also receive assignments for practice.

You can post your work in the Facebook group, where we personally comment on your work. This way, you’ll  immediately be able to understand what needs to be corrected in order for your work to become better.

For more questions, contact us on Instagram: @zamurovic.brothers
or email: info@zamurovic.com

Watch our interview 

Here we revealed how we started and what mistakes we made in the beginning. 

We talked about how we came to be the world stars of stock photography, and how we live today – doing this business.

How to Become a Stock Photographer

The goal of this course is to help anyone to become a successful stock photographer and have reliable support on that path.

Check out our profile on stock photo sites:

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